Nutrition and Fitness | 10 years ago

Try This 10 Minute Heart Healthy Rotisserie Chicken Salad

Great chicken salad doesn't have to be complicated. Most grocery stores now carry Rotisserie chicken, a precooked whole chicken that can easily be shredded or chopped in a matter of minutes. And many of the other ingredients are readily available in the average home pantry or refrigerator. Try this simple recipe for chicken salad that can be served for dinner, a brown bag lunch or as an easy h'orderve.


1 Whole rotisserie chicken
1/2 C. seedless grapes (cut in halves)
1/2 C. chopped onions
1/2 C. chopped celery
1/2 C. chopped pecans
1 C. Vegenaise mayonnaise or light mayonnaise


Pull the chicken meat from the bone and chop with a kitchen knife.
Add the following ingredients, combine and enjoy!

This chicken salad is wonderful with wheat crackers or on whole wheat bread.

Tips: Vegenaise mayonnaise can be purchased at any health food store or light mayonnaise is an excellent substitution.

Serves: 10
Exchanges or food group servings: 2 FAT, 3 LEAN MEAT
Nutrients per serving: CALS 290; PROTEIN 19g; CARBS 6.4g; FIBER 0.9g; TOT FAT 21.4g; SAT FAT 2.9g; SODIUM 259mg