Family Health, Your Health Ben Brown | 9 years ago

Moving to a New Area? Get the Inside Scoop.

Finding the best place for your sofa is only part of the process of making your new place feel like home. As you settle in, make an effort to get to know your neighbors and get the inside scoop on healthy living in your area.

Start things off on the right foot by asking a few good questions.

1. “What’s your favorite healthy restaurant choice around here?”

Knowing where to get the best sushi or vegetarian dish is invaluable to anyone rushing home from work without a plan to get dinner on the table tonight.

2. “How long have you lived here?”

The answer to this question will always be more than a number. It’s an invitation for information, stories and neighborhood insights. You might find out that Mr. Jones at the end of the street has had a vegetable garden in his backyard for 15 years and everyone benefits from his big crop of tomatoes! Or, that Mrs. Miller leads a stroller running group every Tuesday morning. 3. “Do you like your pediatrician?” Finding a doctor is one of the first things you should do when moving to a new home. If you, your spouse or child have a chronic condition, are on regular medication or suffer from a nagging issue like seasonal allergies, plugging in to care quickly is key. People generally share their opinions openly about their favorite doctor in the area, so ask your neighbors for recommendations! You may even learn there’s a children’s urgent care just down the road that will give you peace of mind until you find Dr. Right.

4. “What’s the best part about healthy living here?”

Maybe it’s the access to the city’s greenway, bicycle paths or public gardens. The answers to this question will be as varied as the neighbor being asked. It’s a great way to get to know the area AND get to know a little about your neighbors themselves.  

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