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At Atrium Health, we prioritize your safety above all else. Our goal is to create a secure environment for everyone and improve health outcomes for our patients.

We believe that ensuring safety is a collective effort, and that includes our patients and visitors. Along with our comprehensive safety program, here are some of the ways we work to keep you safe:

Patient Identification

When you're a patient at Atrium Health, you will be asked to provide two forms of patient identification, such as your date of birth and medical record number, at different points throughout your care. These points may include registration, before any medical tests or treatments and when taking blood samples. 

Preventing Infections

Handwashing is the best way to prevent the spread of infection, and it's an important part of your care. Our teammates wash their hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub between patients. They also use protective equipment such as gloves, masks and eye protection as needed during your care.

Preventing Falls

We place the same level of importance on your safety as we do your health. Your illness, surgery or the medications you're receiving may cause you to be unsteady and increase the risk of falling. As a patient in one of our hospitals, we will assess your risk of falling, and if necessary, place a yellow armband on your wrist to alert your care team. We take this risk seriously and will take additional precautions to keep you safe. Remember, if you need assistance, please don't hesitate to call us for help. 

Medication Safety

A thorough history of your medications is vital to your care. During your time as a patient, you will be asked about both prescribed and over-the-counter medications that you take, as well as any allergies you may have.

Safety is a shared responsibility and can’t be accomplished without your active participation. Here are some of the ways you can help keep yourself and others safe:

  • Always double check the accuracy of any document or item that contains your personal information, such as your armband or discharge paperwork. If you see any incorrect information, please speak up and tell your care team right away.
  • It is important for you and your visitors to wash their hands. If you notice that your caregiver has not washed their hands or used the alcohol-based hand rub before providing your care, please speak up.
  • Keep a detailed list of all the medications you are taking, along with the reasons for taking them. If you are prescribed a new medication, please speak up and ask your provider any questions you may have. Always remember to read your medication labels carefully to ensure that you have received the correct medication from the pharmacy, as prescribed by your provider.
  • Always ask questions to better understand your care, and use Ask Me 3®:
  1. What is my main problem?
  2. What do I need to do?
  3. Why is it important for me to do this?
  • When you're receiving care, bring someone with you who can help ask questions and take notes.
  • Pay attention if something does not feel right – and speak up to your care team.