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A BMI (or body mass index) calculator is a tool that measures your body fat based on your height and weight. Calculating your BMI will help you determine if you’re underweight, a healthy weight, overweight or obese. 

To find out your BMI, enter your height and weight into the calculator below. 

BMI Calculator

Your BMI measures your body fat based on your height and weight.

Your Height

Your Weight:

Your Body Mass Index Classification Your Health Risk
Under 18.5 Underweight Minimal
18.5 - 24.9 Normal weight Minimal
25 - 29.9 Overweight Increased
30 - 34.9 Obese High
35 - 39.9 Severely Obese Very high
40 and over Morbidly Obese Extremely high

If your BMI is 35 or over, you may be a candidate for surgical weight loss

If you want to lose weight and your BMI is under 35, you may want to explore non-surgical weight loss options.
