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Peer-Reviewed Publications (chronological order)

  1. Bhalla V, Textor SC, Beckman JA, Casanegra AI, Cooper CJ, Kim ESH, Luther JM, Misra S, Oderich GS. Revascularization for Renovascular Disease: A Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association. Epub 2022 June 16. PMID 35708012
  2. Dicks AB, Gornik HL, Gu X, Bacharach JM, Fendrikova Mahlay N, Froehlich JB, Gupta K, Gray BH, Kim ESH, Mahmood R, Sharma AM, Wells BJ, Olin JW, Weinberg I. Association of Fibromuscular Dysplasia and Pulsatile Tinnitus: A Report of the US Registry for Fibromuscular Dysplasia. J Am Heart Assoc 2021 Sep 7;10(17):e021962. Epub 2021 Aug 28
  3. Creager MA, Hamburg NM, Calligaro KD, Casanegra AI, Freeman R, Gordon PA, Gornik HL, Kim ESH, Leeper NJ, Merli GJ, Niazi K, Olin JW, Quiroz R, Kaso ER, Wasan S, Waxler AR, White CJ, Solaru KW, Williams MS. 2021 ACC/AHA/SVM/ACP Advanced Training Statement on Vascular Medicine (Revision of the 2004 ACC/ACP/SCAI/SVMB/SVS Clinical Competence Statement on Vascular Medicine and Cather-Based Peripheral Vascular Interventions). J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021 Feb 23;77(7):998-1020.
  4. Sharma AM, Kim ESH, Kadian-Dodov D, Armstrong E. The 2020 SVM/SVU Consensus Statement for the Interpretation of Peripheral Arterial and Venous Doppler Waveforms: An interview with SVM members of the Writing Committee. Vasc Med. 2020 Dec 29
  5. Peruri A, Payvar S, Gerhard-Herman M, Gupta K, Kim ES, Ramcharitar RK, Sharma A. Mentorship program and telemedicine for the vascular medicine physician. Vasc Med. 2020 Oct;25(5):511-514
  6. Moran AM, Kim ES, Beckman JA, Aday AW. Vascular Medicine in the COVID-19 Era: the Vanderbilt Experience. Journal of Vascular Nursing. 2020 Dec;38(4):176-179 
  7. Kim ES, Sharma AM, Scissons R, Dawson D, Eberhardt RT, Gerhard-Herman M, Hughes JP, Knight S, Marie Kupinski A, Mahe G, Neumyer M, Poe P, Shugart R, Wennberg P, Williams DM, Eugene Zierler R. Interpretation of peripheral arterial and venous Doppler waveforms: A Consensus Statement from the Society for Vascular Medicine and Society for Vascular Ultrasound. Vasc Med. 2020 Jul 15:1358863X20937665. doi: 10.1177/1358863X20937665. Online ahead of print.
  8. Wells BJ, Modi RD, Gu X, Bumpus SM, Swan K, Froehlich JB, Gray BH, Southerland AM, Kim ES, Fendrikova Mahlay N, Gupta K, Weinberg I, Bacharach M, Gornik HL, Olin JW. Clinical associations of headaches among patients with fibromuscular dysplasia: A Report from the US Registry for Fibromuscular Dysplasia. Vasc Med. 2020 Jun 3:1358863X20923740. doi: 10.1177/1358863X20923740. Online ahead of print.
  9. Johri AM, Nambi V, Naqvi TZ, Feinstein SB, Kim ESH, Park MM, Becher H, Sillesen H. Recommendations for the Assessment of Carotid Arterial Plaque by Ultrasound for the Characterization of Atherosclerosis and Evaluation of Cardiovascular Risk: From the American Society of Echocardiography. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2020 Aug;33(8):917-933
  10. Misra S, Shishehbor M, Takahasi EA, Aronow HD, Brewster LP, Bunte MC, Kim ESH, Lindner JR, Rich K. Perfusion Assessment in Critical Limb Ischemia: Principles for Understanding and the Development of Evidence and Evaluation of Devices.  Circulation, Circulation 2019 Sep 17;140(12):e657-672
  11. Shivapour DM, Javed O, Wu Y, Brinza E, Hornacek D, Conic J, Gornik HL, Kim, ESH. Changes in Carotid Duplex Ultrasound Velocities after Aortic Valve Replacement for Severe Aortic Stenosis.  Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 2019; Jul 2. Epub ahead of print
  12. White Solaru K, Heupler F, Cho L, Kim ESH.  Prevalence of Coronary Vasospasm Using Coronary Reactivity Testing in Patients With Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection.  Am J Cardiol. 2019 Jun 1;123(11):1812-1815
  13. Gornik HL, Persu A, Adlam D, Aparicio LS, Azizi M, Boulanger M, Bruno RM, De Leeuw P, Fendrikova-Mahlay N, Froehlich J, Ganesh SK, Gray BH, Jamison C, Januszewicz A, Jeunemaitre X, Kadian-Dodov D, Kim ESH, Kovacic JC, Mace P, Morganti A, Sharma A, Southerland AM, Touzé E, Van der Niepen P, Wang J, Weinberg I, Wilson S, Olin JW, Plouin PF; Working Group ‘Hypertension and the Kidney’ of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and the Society for Vascular Medicine (SVM). First international consensus on the diagnosis and management of fibromuscular dysplasia. J Hypertens. 2019 Feb;37(2):229-252
  14. Bagh I, Olin JW, Froehlich JB, Kline-Rogers E, Gray B, Kim ESH, Sharma A, Weinberg I, Wells BJ, Gu X, Gornik HL.  Association of Multifocal Fibromuscular Dysplasia in Elderly Patients with a More Benign Clinical Phenotype: Data From the Registry for Fibromuscular Dysplasia. JAMA Cardiol. 2018 Aug 1;3(8):756-760
  15. Sharonne N. Hayes, MD (Chair), Esther S. H. Kim, MD, MPH (Co-Chair), Jacqueline Saw, MD (Co-Chair), David Adlam, BA, BM, BCh, DPhil, Cynthia Arslanian-Engoren, Ph.D, RN, Katherine E. Economy, MD, MPH, Santhi K. Ganesh, MD, Rajiv Gulati, MD, PhD, Mark E. Lindsay, MD, PhD, Jennifer H. Mieres, MD, Sahar Naderi, MD, MHS, Svati Shah, MD, MHS, David E. Thaler, MD, PhD, Marysia S. Tweet, MD, Malissa J. Wood, MD.  Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection – Current State of the Science.  An American Heart Association Scientific Statement.  Circulation 2018; May 8;137(19):e523-e557
  16. Henry D. Lather, Heather L. Gornik, Jeffrey W. Olin, Xiaokui Gu, Steven Heidt, Esther S.H. Kim, Daniella Kadian-Dodov, Aditya Sharma, Bruce Gray, Michael R. Jaff, Yung-Wei Chi, Pamela Mace, Eva Kline-Rogers, James B. Froehlich.  Prevalence of Intracranial Aneurysms in Women with Fibromuscular Dysplasia: A Report from the United States Registry for Fibromuscular Dysplasia.  JAMA Neurology 2017.  Sep 1;74(9): 1081-1087
  17. Nancy Nguyen, Aditya Sharma, Jonathan K. West, Maya Serhal, Ellen Brinza, Heather L. Gornik, Esther S.H. Kim.  Presentation, Clinical Features, and Results of Intervention in Upper Extremity Fibromuscular Dysplasia.  Journal of Vascular Surgery. J Vasc Surg 2017.  Aug; 66(2):554-563
  18. Ellen Brinza, Victoria Grabinski, Sridevi Durga, Sarah O’Connor, MD, Sandra L. Yesenko, Esther S.H. Kim, Heather L. Gornik.  Lower Extremity Fibromuscular Dysplasia: Clinical Manifestations, Diagnostic Testing, and Approach to Management.  Angiology, 2017 Sep;68(8):722-727
  19. Bolen MA, Brinza E, Renapurkar RD, Kim ES, Gornik HL.  Screening CT Angiography of the Aorta, Visceral Branch Vessels, and Pelvic Arteries in Fibromuscular Dysplasia.  JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging.  2017 May;10(5):554-561
  20. Lucke M, Messner W, Kim ES, Husni ME.  The impact of identifying carotid plaque on addressing cardiovascular risk in psoriatic arthritis. Arthritis Res Ther 2016 Aug 2; 18:178
  21. Daniella Kadian-Dodov, Heather L. Gornik, Xiaokui Gu, James Froehlich, J. Michael Bacharach, Yung-Wei Chi, Bruce H. Gray, Michael R. Jaff, Barry Katzen, Esther SH Kim, Pamela Mace, Aditya Sharma, Eva Kline-Rogers, Christopher White, Jeffrey W. Olin.  Dissection and Aneurysm in Patients with Fibromuscular Dysplasia: Findings from the United States Registry for FMD.  JACC 2016; 68(2):176-85
  22. Epidemiology of Fibromuscular Dysplasia: A Review of the Literature.  Daniel Shivapour, Phillip Erwin, Esther S.H. Kim.  Vascular Medicine 2016; April 11
  23. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Fibromuscular Dysplasia: An Update for Cardiologists.  Kim ES, Serhal M.  Current Treat Options Cardiovasc Med.  2016 Jun;18(6):37
  24. Sarah O'Connor, MD, Heather L. Gornik, MD, MHS, FACC, James B. Froehlich, MD, MPH, FACC, Xiaokui Gu, MA, Bruce H. Gray, DO, Pamela D. Mace, Aditya Sharma, MD, Jeffrey W. Olin, DO, FACC, Esther S.H. Kim, MD, MPH.  Smoking and Adverse Outcomes in Fibromuscular Dysplasia:  A Report of the United States Registry for FMD. JACC 2016; 67(14):1750-1
  25. Soto Romuald Kiando, Nathan R. Tucker, Luis-Jaime Castro-Vega, Alexander Katz, Valentina D’Escamard, Cyrielle Treard, Daniel Fraher, Juliette Albuisson, Daniella Kadian-Dodov, Zi Ye, Erin Austin, Min-Lee Yang, Kristina Hunker, Cristina Barlassina, Daniele Cusi, Pilar Galan, Jean-Philippe Empana, Xavier Jouven, Anne-Paule Gimenez-Roqueplo, Patrick Bruneval, Esther Soo Hyun Kim, Jeffrey W. Olin, Heather L. Gornik, Michel Azizi, Pierre-Francois Plouin, Iftikhar J. Kullo, David J. Milan, Santhi K. Ganesh, Pierre Boutouyrie, Jason C. Kovacic, Xavier Jeunemaitre Nabila Bouatia-Naji.  A common genetic variant in PHACTR1 associates with fibromuscular dysplasia.  PLoS Genet 2016; Oct 28;12(10):e1006367 
  26. Hammad TA, Yousefzai R, Venkatachalam S, Lowry A, Gornik HL, Jaber W, Bartholomew JR, Kim SH, Cerqueria M, Gray BH, Blackstone EH, Shishehbor MH.  The Association between Ischemic and Jeopardized Myocardia and All-Cause Mortality in Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease.  Vasc Med 2016 Apr;21(2):113-9
  27. Kim ES, Diaconu C, Baus, L, Fox RJ, Grattan A, Katzan I, Raber L, Rae-Grant A, Lu M.  Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency: pitfalls and perils of sonographic assessment.  J Ultrasound Med 2015. 2015 Jun ;34(6):1097-106
  28. Robert J. Fox, Claudiu Diaconu, Leasa Baus, Alia Grattan, Irene Katzan, Jar-Chi Lee, Larry Raber, Alexander Rae-Grant, Sneha Ramesh, Mei Lu, Esther S.H. Kim.  No association of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency with multiple sclerosis.  Can J Neurol Sci. 2016 Jan;43(1):195-7
  29. Joseph L, Gomes MPV, Al Solaiman F, St John J, Ozaki A, Raju M, Dhariwal M, Kim ESH.  External Validation of the HIT Expert Probability (HEP) Score.  Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2015 Mar;113(3):633-40
  30. O’Connor S, Kim ES, Brinza E, Moran R, Rendrikova-Mahlay N, Wolski K, Gornik HL.  Systemic connective tissue features in women with fibromuscular dysplasia.  Vasc Med. 2015 July 8.
  31. Weinberg I, Gu X, Giri J, Kim SE, Bacharach MJ, Gray BH, Katzen BT, Matsumoto AH, Chi YW, Rogers KR, Froehlich J, Olin JW, Gornik HL, Jaff MR.  Anti-platelet and anti-hypertension medication use in patients with fibromuscular dysplasia: Results from the United States Registry for Fibromuscular Dysplasia.  Vasc Med. 2015 May 11.
  32. Kim ESH, Marycz D, Archinal D, Gornik HL, Shishehbor M, Bartholomew JR.  Presence of External Carotid Artery Plaque Independently Predicts Mortality in Patients without Internal Carotid Artery Atherosclerosis.  Vascular Medicine.  2014 Oct;19(5):351-5
  33. Schauer PR, Bhatt DL, Kirwan JP, Wolski K, Brethauer SA, Navaneethan SD, Aminian A, Pothier CE, Kim ES, Nissen SE, Kashyap SR; STAMPEDE Investigators. Bariatric surgery versus intensive medical therapy for diabetes--3-year outcomes. N Engl J Med. 2014 May 22;370(21):2002-13. 
  34. Madhwal S, Yesenko S, Kim ES, Park M, Begelman SM, Gornik HL. Manifestations of cardiac disease in carotid duplex ultrasound examination. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2014 Feb;7(2):200-3
  35. Lin YC, Dalal D, Churton S, Brennan DM, Korman NJ, Kim ES, Husni ME. Relationship between metabolic syndrome and carotid intima-media thickness: cross-sectional comparison between psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Arthritis Care & Research 2014; 66(1):97-103.
  36. Raju MG, Bajzer CT, Clair DG, Kim ES, Gornik HL. Renal artery stent fracture in patients with fibromuscular dysplasia: a cautionary tale. Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions 2013; 6(3):e30-31.
  37. Diaconu CI, Fox RJ, Grattan A, Rae-Grant A, Lu M, Gornik HL, Kim ESH. Hydration status substantially affects chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency assessments. Neurology Clinical Practice 2013; 3(5):386-391.
  38. Kim ES, Olin JW, Froehlich JB, Gu X, Bacharach JM, Gray BH, Jaff MR, Katzen BT, Kline-Rogers E, Mace PD, Matsumoto AH, McBane RD, White CJ, Gornik HL. Clinical manifestations of fibromuscular dysplasia vary by patient sex: a report of the United States registry for fibromuscular dysplasia. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2013; 62(21):2026-2028.
  39. Poloskey SL, Kim ESH, Sanghani R, Al-Quthami AH, Arscott P, Moran R, Rigelsky CM, Gornik HL. Low yield of genetic testing for known vascular connective tissue disorders in patients with fibromuscular dysplasia. Vascular Medicine 2012; 17(6):371-378.
  40. Olin JW, Froehlich J, Gu X, Bacharach JM, Eagle K, Gray BH, Jaff MR, Kim ESH, Mace P, Matsumoto AH, McBane RD, Kline-Rogers E, White CJ, Gornik HL. The United States registry for fibromuscular dysplasia: results in the first 447 patients. Circulation 2012; 125:3182-3190.
  41. Yuksel UC, Anabtawi AG, Cam A, Poddar K, Agarwal S, Goel S, Kim E, Bajzer C, Gornik HL, Shishehbor MH, Tuzcu EM, Kapadia SR. Predictive value of renal resistive index in percutaneous renal interventions for atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis. Journal of Invasive Cardiology 2012; 24(10):504-509.
  42. Kim ESH, Sun Z, Kapadia S, Bajzer C, Arrigain S, Gornik HL. Characteristics of duplex sonographic parameters over time after successful carotid artery stenting. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 2012; 31:1169-1174.
  43. Kim ESH, Carrigan TP, Menon V. International participation in cardiovascular randomized controlled trials sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2011; 58(7):671-676.
  44. Kim ESH, Thompson M, Nacion KM, Celestin C, Perez A, Gornik HL. Radiologic importance of a high-resistive vertebral artery Doppler waveform on carotid duplex ultrasonography. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 2010; 29:1161-1165.
  45. Kim ESH, Carrigan TP, Menon V. Enrollment of women in National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute-funded cardiovascular randomized controlled trials fails to meet current federal mandates for inclusion. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2008; 52(8):672-673.
  46. Kim ESH, Ishwaran H, Blackstone E, Lauer MS. External prognostic validations and comparisons of age- and gender-adjusted exercise capacity predictions. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2007; 50(19):1867-1875.
  47. Kim ESH, Samuels TA, Yeh HC, Abuid M, Marinopoulos SS, McCauley JM, Brancati FL. End-digit preference and the quality of blood pressure monitoring in diabetic adults. Diabetes Care 2007; 30(8):1959-1963.

Poster and Oral Presentations at National Meetings

  1. Jacqueline Visina, Nowrin Haque, Shi Huang, Aaron Aday, Esther S.H. Kim. Prevalence of Extracoronary Vascular Abnormalities: A Look at SCAD Across the Lifespan. Poster presentation. American Heart Association Conference 2022, Chicago IL.
  2. Dharam Khumbani, Esther SH Kim, Malissa Wood, Katherine Leon, Gerald Chi, Anna Grodzinsky, Heather L Gornik, Bran Wells, Jennifer Lewey, Angela Taylor, Daniella Kadian Dodov, Connie N Hess, Stanislav Henkin, Katheryn Lindley, Gretchen Morris, James L Orford, Lori Tam, Samuel Norris, Cassandra Reyes, Fahad Alkhalfan, Clara Vitarello, Laurette Femnou Mbuntum, Sahar Naderi. Patient and System-Related Delays in Presentation and Diagnostic Coronary Angiography in Patients Presenting with Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: A Report of The iSCAD Registry. Poster presentation. American Heart Association Conference 2022, Chicago IL.
  3. Fahad Alkhalfan, Malissa Wood, Sahar Naderi, Katherine Leon, C M Gibson, Gerald Chi, Anna Grodzinsky, Heather L Gornik, Bryan J Wells, Jennifer Lewey, Angela Taylor, Daniella Kadian Dodov, Connie N hess, Stanislav Henkin, Kathryn Lindley, James L Orford, Lori Tam, Dharam J Kumbhani, Samuel Norris, Cassandra Reyes, Clara Vitarello, Esther SH Kim. Factors Associated With A Complicated Hospital Course In Patients With Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: A Report of the iSCAD Registry. Poster presentation. American Heart Association Conference 2022, Chicago IL.
  4. Gerald Chi, Esther SH Kim, Sahar Naderi, Katherine Leon, CM Gibson, Anna Grodzinsky, Heather L Gornik, Brayn Wells, Jennifer Lewey, Angela Taylor, Daniella Kadian Dodov, Connie N Hess, Stanislav Henkin, Katheryn Lindley, Gretchen L Wells, James L. Orford, Lori M Tam, Dharam J Kumbhani, Samuel Norris, Fahad Alkhalfan, Clara Vitarello, Malissa Wood. Takotsubo Syndrome Among Patients with Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: A Report of the iSCAD Registry. Poster presentation. American Heart Association Conference 2022, Chicago IL.
  5. Heather L. Gornik, Sahar Naderi, Katherine Leon, C M Gibson, Gerald C Chi, Anna Grodzinsky, Bryan Wells, Angela Taylor, Daniella Kadian Dodov, Stanislav Henkin, Samuel Norris, Cassandra Reyes, Fahad Alkhalfan, Clara Vitarello, Esther SH Kim. Significant Heterogeneity in Atniplatelet Regimen for Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: A Report of the iSCAD Registry. Poster presentation. American Heart Association Conference 2022, Chicago IL.
  6. Bryan Wells, Esther SH Kim, Sahar Naderi, Katherine Leon, C M Gibson, Geral Chi, Anna Grodzinsky, Heather L Gornik, Jennifer Lewey, Angela Taylor, Daniella Kadian Dodov, Connie N Hess, Stanislav Henkin, Kathryn J Lindley, Gretchn Morris, James L Orford, Lori M Tam, Dharam J Kumbhani, Samuel Norris, Cassandra Reyes, Fahad Alkhalfan, Clara Vitarello, Andrea Martinez, Malissa Wood. Racial Differences in Patients with Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: A Report of the iSCAD Registry. Poster presentation. American Heart Association Conference 2022, Chicago IL.
  7. Amanda Morrison, Tara Holder, Esther SH Kim. Unicorns Can Also Have Stripes: Reactivated Varicella Zoster Virus Mediated Vasculitis And Fibromuscular Dysplasia. Poster presentation at Society for Vascular Medicine Scientific Sessions 2022. 
  8. Amanda Morrison, Tara Holder, Jason Springer, Daniel Clair, Esther SH Kim. “Good Things Do Not Always Come In Small Packages: A Case Of Paraneoplastic Vasculitis.” Oral Presentation at Society for Vascular Medicine Scientific Sessions 2022.
  9. Alex Sullivan, Tara Holder, Joshua A. Beckman, Aaron Aday, Esther SH Kim.  Rampant Misadventures: Coronary Artery Involvement In Large Vessel Vasculitis. Poster presentation at Society for Vascular Medicine Scientific Sessions 2022. 
  10. Esther S.H. Kim, Malissa J. Wood, Anna Grodzinsky, Heather Gornik, Bryan J. Wells, Daniella Kadian-Dodov, Aditya Sharma, Connie Hess, Jennifer Lewey, Stanislav Henkin, Gretchen Wells, Lori Tam, Clara Vitarello, Fahad Alkhalfan, Gerald Chi, C. Michael Gibson, Katherine K. Leon, Sahar Naderi. Extracoronary Vascular Abnormalities In Patients With Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: A Report Of The iSCAD Registry. Oral Presentation. Vascular Medicine Year in Review. American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions, Washington, DC, March 2022.
  11. Bryan J. Wells, Malissa J. Wood, Anna Grodzinsky, Heather Gornik, Daniella Kadian-Dodov, Angela Taylor, Connie Hess, Jennifer Lewey, Stanislav Henkin, Gretchen Wells, Lori Tam, Clara Vitarello, Fahad Alkhalfan, Gerald Chi, C. Michael Gibson, Katherine K. Leon, Sahar Naderi, Esther S.H. Kim. Migraine Headache In Patients With Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: A Report Of The iSCAD Registry. Poster Presentation. American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions, Washington, DC, March 2022.
  12. Esther S.H. Kim, Sahar Naderi, Anna Grodzinsky, Heather Gornik, Bryan J. Wells, Angela Taylor, Jennifer Lewey, Connie Hess, Stanislav Henkin, Daniella Kadian-Dodov, Gretchen Wells, Lori Tam, Clara Vitarello, Fahad Alkhalfan, Gerald Chi, C. Michael Gibson, Katherine K. Leon, Malissa J. Wood. Prevalence Of Potential Triggers And Underlying Medical Conditions In Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: A Report Of The iSCAD Registry. Moderated poster presentation. American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions, Washington, DC, March 2022.
  13. Anna Grodzinsky, Esther S.H. Kim, Heather Gornik, Bryan J. Wells, Angela Taylor, Jennifer Lewey, Connie Hess, Stanislav Henkin, Daniella Kadian-Dodov, Gretchen Wells, Lori Tam, Clara Vitarello, Fahad Alkhalfan, Gerald Chi, C. Michael Gibson, Katherine K. Leon, Sahar Naderi, Malissa J. Wood. Reproductive Health Features Associated With SCAD: A Report Of The iSCAD Registry. Moderated poster presentation. American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions, Washington, DC, March 2022.
  14. Enriquez K, Moslehi J, Chitale R, Kim ESH. Flying Blind in a Turkey Shoot: A Case of Bow Hunter’s Syndrome. Poster, Society for Vascular Medicine September 2021 (Virtual Conference)
  15. Dent M, Stone P, Kim ESH. Heart but Not Seen: When Doppler Waveforms Speak. An Innominate Steal Case Study. Society for Vascular Ultrasound. San Diego August 2021.
  16. Haque N, Harzand A, Kim ESH. The Presence of Extracoronary Vascular Abnormalities is Associated with Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection Recurrence. Oral Presentation American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions; 2020 March 28-30 (Virtual Conference) 
  17.     Haque N, Kim ESH. Differences in Patient Characteristics of Peripartum Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection. Poster American Heart Association Scientific Sessions (Virtual Conference) 2020 
  18. Parikh A, Gonzales H, Fong P, Piana RN, Haddad EV, Mazer M, Kim SH. “Hiding in Plain Sight: Multimodality Imaging for the Detection of Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection”. American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions; 2020 March 28-30 (Virtual Conference) 
  19. SCAD Collaborative Study Group; David Adlam, Azza Ahmed, Abtehale Al-Hussaini, Sara Bouajila,  Eric Chow, Katharine Edwards, Sharonne Hayes, M. Ihsan Kaadan, Rajani Kaimal, Esther Kim, Pascal Motreff, Nalin Natarajan, Vedant Satish Pargaonkar, Nilesh Samani, Jacqueline Saw, Andrew Starovoytov, Jennifer Tremmel, Marysia Tweet, Alice Wood, Malissa Wood Long-term outcomes in patients with pregnancy related vs. non-pregnancy related spontaneous coronary artery dissection: An international multi-center collaborative study.  American Heart Association Moderated Digital Poster, Philadelphia, PA, November 2019
  20. David Adlam, Azza Ahmed, Abtehale Al-Hussaini, Sara Bouajila, Eric Chow, Katharine Sears Edwards, Sharonne Hayes, M. Ihsan Kaadan, Rajani Kaimal, Esther Kim, Kevin Masters, Nalin Natarajan, Vedant Satish Pargaonkar, Nilesh Samani, Jonathan Shaffer, Jennifer Sumner, Jennifer Tremmel, Marysia Tweet, Tina Wagers, Alice Wood, Malissa Wood.  Rehospitalization and recurrence are associated with psychological distress in spontaneous coronary artery dissection: An international multi-center collaborative study. American Heart Association Poster, Philadelphia, PA, November 2019
  21. Alexandra Moran, Esther S.H. Kim.  What is SCAD?  Society for Vascular Nursing, National Harbor, MD. June 2019
  22. Arash Harzand, Esther S.H. Kim.  Differences in Patient Characteristics Based on Extracoronary Vascular Findings in SCAD. Society for Vascular Medicine Scientific Sessions, Reston, VA, May 2019.  
  23. Asad Al-Aboud, Jessica Huston, Esther S.H. Kim, Jared O’Leary.  Not Your Papa’s MI: Chest Pain in a Postpartum Woman.  American College of Cardiology, New Orleans, LA, March 2019.
  24. Khendi T. White, Frederick Heupler, Leslie Cho, Esther S.H. Kim.  The Prevalence of Coronary Vasospasm using coronary artery reactivity testing in patients with spontaneous coronary artery dissection. Society for Vascular Medicine Scientific Sessions, Chicago, IL, June 2018
  25. Pawlik C, Kline-Rogers E, Olin JW, Gornik HL, Mace P, Gu X, Swan K, Krallman R, Kim ESH, Wells BJ, Weinberg I, Sharma AM, Gray B, Froehlich JB. Anxiety and Depression in Patients with Fibromuscular Dysplasia: A Report from the US Registry for Fibromuscular Dysplasia. QCOR AHA Scientific Sessions 2018.
  26. Maya Serhal, MD, Ashok Mittal, MD, Marianne Khoury, BS, Ellen Brinza, BS, NatalyaFendrikova-Mahlay, MD, Heather L. Gornik MD, MHS, Esther S.H. Kim, MD, MPH.   Family History of Arterial Disorders in Patients with Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection.  American College of Cardiology, Washington DC, 2017
  27. Swan K, Gu X, Kline-Rogers E, Wells BJ, Repack A, Krallman R, Kim ESH, Olin JW, Gornik HL, Mace PD, Froehlich JB, Bumpus SM. Prevalence of Headaches in Patients with Fibromuscular Dysplasia: A Report from the US Registry for FMD. QCOR AHA Scientific Sessions, 2017
  28. Shivapour D, Erwin P, Gornik HL, Kim Esther SH.  Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: Characterizing Presentation, Management, and Outcomes at a Large Referral Cardiovascular Center.  American Heart Association, Orlando, FL, November 2015.
  29. Omair Javed, Ellen Brinza, Deborah Hornacek, Juliana Conic, Heather L Gornik, Esther SH Kim.  Change in Carotid Duplex Ultrasound Velocities after Aortic Valve Replacement for Aortic Stenosis.  Society for Vascular Medicine, 1st Place Young Investigator Award Competition, June 2015, Baltimore, MD.
  30. Sarah O’Connor, Heather Gornik, Corey Brier, Toni Morris, Ellen Brinza, Esther SH Kim.  Characterizing Cervical Artery Dissection among Patients with Fibromuscular Dysplasia and the Risk of Symptomatic Dissection.  Society for Vascular Medicine, Poster, June 2015, Baltimore, MD.
  31. Sarah O’Connor, BS, Heather L. Gornik, MD, MHS Jeffrey W. Olin, MD, Xiaokui Gu, MA, James Froehlich, MD, J. Michael Bacharach, MD,  Yung-Wei Chi, MD, Bruce Gray, DO, Barry Katzen, MD, Pamela Mace, RN, Robert McBane, MD, Aditya Sharma, MD, Michael Jaff, MD, Esther S. H. Kim, MD, MPH.  Association between Smoking and the Natural History of Renal and Cerebrovascular Fibromuscular Dysplasia:  A Report of the United States Registry for FMD.  American Heart Association, Chicago, November 2014.
  32. Esther S.H. Kim, MD, MPH; Raul Seballos, MD; Richard Lang, MD, MPH; Roxanne B. Sukol, MD, MS; Steven Feinleib, MD; Alice Chen; Kristen Bede;  Ruchi Sanghani, MA; Neil Poria, MA; Heather L. Gornik, MD, MHS.  Carotid Duplex Ultrasound is the Highest Yield Diagnostic Test for the Detection of Subclinical Atherosclerosis in a Screening Population.  Society for Vascular Medicine, San Diego, June 2014
  33. Moore EK, Gu X, Olin JW, Froehlich JB, Bacharach JM, Jaff MR, Katzen BT, Kline-Rogers E, Mace PD, White CJ, Kim ESH, Gornik HL, Gray BH. Registry Findings of Fibromuscular Dysplasia of the Mesenteric Arteries. Society for Vascular Medicine, San Diego, June 2014
  34. O’Connor SC, Olin JW, Gu X, Bacharach JM, Chi YW, Froehlich J, Gray B, Kim ESH, Kline-Rogers E, Mace P, McBane R, Sharma A, Gornik H. Fibromuscular Dysplasia is a Morbid Disease with Low Associated Mortality: A Report of the United States Registry for Fibromuscular Dysplasia. Society for Vascular Medicine, San Diego, June 2014
  35. Mahmood RZ, Olin J, Gu X, Kline-Rogers E, Froehlich J, Bacharach JM, Chi YW, Gray B, Jaff M, Katzen B, Kim SH, Mace P, McBane R, Sharma A, White C, Gornik H. Unraveling Pulsatile Tinnitus in FMD: A Report of the United States Registry for Fibromuscular Dysplasia. American College of Cardiology Meeting, Washington, District of Columbia, March 2014.
  36. Kadian-Dodov D, Gornik HL, Gu X, Froehlich J, Bacharach JM, Gray B, Jaff MR, Katzen B, Kim SH, Laird J, Mace P, Matsumoto A, McBane R, Kline-Rogers E, White CJ, Olin JW. Aneurysm and Dissection in Patients with Fibromuscular Dysplasia: Findings from the United States Registry for FMD. American College of Cardiology Meeting, Washington, District of Columbia, March 2014.
  37. Joseph L, Al Solaiman F, Gomes M, Kim ESH. External Validation of the HIT Expert Probability (HEP) Score, a Novel Pre-test Probability Model for Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia Based on Broad Expert Opinion. American Society of Hematology Meeting, Dallas, Texas, November 2013.
  38. Lucke M, Kim ESH, Husni ME. The Joint Effect of Carotid Ultrasound and Preventive Cardiology Referral on Cardiovascular Risk Factor Modification in Psoriatic Arthritis Patients. American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, October 2013.
  39. Rubin T, Kelso R, Kim ESH. Geyser Flow: Type III endoleak from Component Separation in a Complex Fenestrated Stent Graft – Ultrasound Diagnosis and Angiographic Correlation. Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, 3rd place poster competition, October 2013.
  40. Hornacek D, Sanghani R, Gornik HL, Kim ESH. Oral Presentation: Duplex Ultrasonography for the Diagnosis of Fibromuscular Dysplasia. Society for Vascular Medicine 2013, Young Investigator Competition, June 2013.
  41. Ozaki A, Goel S, Menon V, Kim ESH. Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: Gender Differences in Acuity of Presentation. Society for Vascular Medicine 2013, June 2013.
  42. Gavin J, Gu X, Gornik HL, Olin JW, Kim ESH, Mace PD, Gray BH, Bacharach JM, Jaff MR, McBane RD, Matsumoto AH, Kline-Rogers E, Froehlich JB. Factors Associated with Delay in Diagnosis of Patients with Fibromuscular Dysplasia. Society for Vascular Medicine 2013, June 2013
  43. Kim ESH, Olin JW, Froehlich JB, Gu X, Bacharach JM, Gray BH, Jaff MR, Katzen BT, Kline-Rogers E, Mace PD, Matsumoto AH, McBane RD, White CJ, Gornik HL. Clinical Manifestations of Fibromuscular Dysplasia Vary by Patient Sex: A Report of the United States Registry for FMD. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, March 2013.
  44. Verma R, Gu X, Kline-Rogers E, Gornik H, Olin J, Kim ESH, Bruenger P, Mace P, Froehlich JB. Understanding Patient Characteristics and Clinical Significance of Headaches in Patients with Fibromuscular Dysplasia.  American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, March 2013
  45. Gavin J, Gu X, Olin J, Gornik H, Kim ESH, Gray B, Jaff M, McBane R, Katzen B, White C, Mace P, Kline-Rogers E, Froehlich J. Prevalence of Arterial Aneurysms in Patients with Fibromuscular Dysplasia: A Report from the United States Registry for Fibromuscular Dysplasia. American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions, March 2013.
  46. Lu M, Raber L, Baus L, Diaconu C, Katzen I, Kim ESH, Rae-Grant A, Fox R. An Assessment of Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency in MS. American Academy of Neurology 2013, March 2013.
  47. Ozaki A, Goel S, Menon V, Kim ESH. Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: Gender Differences in Acuity of Presentation. CCF Research Day 2012, October 2012.
  48. Grattan A, Kim ESH. Ultrasound Findings of a Right Renal Artery Arteriovenous Fistula in an Elderly Patient Presenting with Abdominal Bruit and Elevated Blood Pressure. SDMS 2012, October 2012.
  49. Diaconu C, Fox RJ, Lu M, Grattan A, Rae-Grant A, Gornik H, Kim E. Hydration Status May Confound CCSVI Ultrasound Assessment. ECTRIMS 2012, October 2012.
  50. Kim ESH, Nicholls SJ, Hajj-Ali R, Husni ME, Grattan A, Khan M, Gornik HL. Prevalence of Carotid Wall Triple Line Pattern and Association with Cardiovascular Risk Factors Among Individuals Undergoing Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Testing. MHS, March 2012.
  51. Ralko A, Gu X, Kline-Rogers E, Gornik HL, Olin JW, McBane R,  Bacharach M, Kim ESH, Mace P, Grise M, Gray B, Froehlich  J, for the FMD Registry Investigators. Diagnostic and Follow-Up Imaging for Fibromuscular Dysplasia: A Report from the United States Fibromuscular Dysplasia Patient Registry. ACC 2012, Chicago Illinois, March 2012.
  52. Poloskey SL, Olin JW, Froehlich JB, Gu X, Bacharach M, Gray B, Grise MA, Jaff MR, Kim ESH, Kline-Rogers E, Mace PD, Matsumota A, McBane B, Rooke TW, Gornik HL. Physical Examination Findings in Fibromuscular Dysplasia: A Report of the United States Registry for Fibromuscular Dysplasia. ACC 2012, Chicago, Illinois, March 2012.
  53. Olin JW, Gu X, Froehlich JB, Bacharach JM, Eagle K, Gray B, Grise M, Jaff M, Kim ESH, Kline-Rogers E, Mace P, Matsumoto A, McBane R, Gornik HL. Peripheral Artery Dissection in Patients with Fibromuscular Dysplasia: A Report from the United States Fibromuscular Dysplasia Patient Registry.
  54. Poloskey SL, Kim ESH, Sanghani R, Al-Quthami A, Arscott P, Moran R, Rigelsky C, Gornik HL. Low Yield of Genetic Testing for Known Vascular Connective Tissue Disorders Among Patients with Fibromuscular Dysplasia. ACC 2012, Chicago, Illinois, March 2012.
  55. Uno K, Wolski K, Kim S, Kataoka Y, Puri R, Lavoie A, Nicholls SJ. The Degree of Glycemic Control is Associated with Extensive Subclinical Atherosclerosis in The Apparently Healthy Obese Individuals. Cleveland Clinic Research Day, November 2011.
  56. Kim ESH, Nicholls SJ, Hajj-Ali R, Husni ME, Grattan A, Khan M, Gornik HL. Prevalence of Carotid Wall Triple Line Pattern and Association with Cardiovascular Risk Factors Among Individuals Undergoing Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Testing. Cleveland Clinic Research Day and ACC 2012, Chicago, Illinois, November 2011.
  57. Lin YC, Uno K, Borkar N, Brennan D, Pawar V, Wolski K, Korman NJ, Nicholls SJ, Kim ESH, Husni ME. Atherosclerotic Burden in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis and Psoriasis: Do they differ? – The COMPASS-2 Study. American College of Rheumatology, November 2011.
  58. Fox R, Baus L, Grattan A, Katzen I, Kim ESH, Lu M, Raber L, Rae-Grant A. Ultrasound Assessment of Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency. ECTRIMS/ACTRIMS, October 2011.
  59. Godkin D, Greenberg R, Gornik HL, Kim ESH. The Utility of Vascular Ultrasound in the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Loeys-Dietz Syndrome. Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, September 2011.
  60. Yousefzai R, Gornik HL, Batizy LH, Kim ESH, Cergueira MD, Jaber WA, Houghtaling PL, Sridhar, Venkatachalam S, Gray BH, Bartholomew JR, Blackstone EH, Shishehbor MH. Functional capacity but not ABI predicts all-cause mortality. Society of Vascular Medicine Scientific Sessions, June 2011
  61. Lu M, Raber L, Baus L, Diaconu C, Katzen I, Kim ESH, Rae-Grant A, Fox F. Ultrasound Evaluations of Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI): Important Factors to Consider. American Academy of Neurology Scientific Sessions, April 2011
  62. Marycz DM, Archinal D, Gornik HL, Shishehbor MH, Bartholomew JR, Kim ESH. Oral Presentation: The Impact of Atherosclerotic Plaque of the External Carotid Artery on All-Cause Mortality in Patients Without Internal Carotid Atherosclerosis Detected on Carotid Duplex Ultrasonography. American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions, March 2011
  63. Gornik HL, Froehlich JB, Gu X, Bacharach JM, Gray B, Grise MA, Kim ESH, Kline-Rogers E, Mace PD, McBane R, Olin JW.  Morbidity, Vascular Events, and Interventional Therapy for FMD: A Report of the FMD Patient Registry.  American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions, March 2011
  64. Olin JW, Froehlich JB, Gu X, Bacharach JM, Gray B, Grise MA, Kim ESH, Kline-Rogers E, Mace PD, McBane R, Gornik HL. Clinical Features and Presenting Symptoms of Fibromuscular Dysplasia: A Report of the Fibromuscular Dysplasia Patient Registry. American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions, March 2011
  65. Rubin T, Srivastava S, Kim ESH. Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Internal Carotid Artery Pseudoaneurysm in a 57-year-old woman with Three Year History of Left Neck Mass. Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography Meeting, October 2010
  66. Positionally-Dependent Renal Artery Restenosis: A New Vascular Entity? Society of Vascular Medicine Scientific Sessions 2008, May 2008
  67. International Participation in Cardiovascular Randomized Controlled Trials Sponsored by the NHLBI: Is There a Problem?” American College of Cardiology Scientific Session 2008, March 2008
  68. Oral Presentation: Enrollment of Women in NHLBI Funded Cardiovascular Randomized Controlled Trials Fail to Meet Current Federal Mandates for Equal Inclusion. American Heart Association Scientific Session 2007, November 2007
  69. Oral Presentation: External Prognostic Validations and Comparisons of Age- and Gender-Adjusted Exercise Capacity Predictions American College of Cardiology Young Investigator Competition First Place in Clinical Investigations, March 2007
  70. End-Digit Preference and the Quality of Blood Pressure Monitoring in Diabetic Adults. American Diabetes Association, 65th Scientific Session, June 2005