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We’re excited to announce Carolinas Simulation Center’s very first hire from the healthcare simulation program at Carolinas College of Health Sciences. Read more about our new hire and this unique pipeline program that’s training the next generation of simulation experts!

Carolinas Simulation Center is honored to have our bachelor's program in Healthcare Simulation featured by WBTV.


Opened in 2007, Carolinas Simulation Center is one of only a handful of programs accredited at a distinguished level by both the American College of Surgeons (ACS) as a Comprehensive Education Institute and the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) accredited in the areas of Assessment, Research, Teaching/Education, Systems Integration and Human Simulation. The Simulation Center received accreditation from ACS in 2008 and SSH in 2010.

A blue logo for the Society of Simulation in Healthcare recognizing accredited programs in Assessment, research, teaching/education, systems integration and human simulation.

Immersive educational experiences

The Program was established as a multidisciplinary simulation center to meet the training needs of Atrium Health’s Carolinas Medical Center and related entities, as well as healthcare providers and community groups from across the surrounding region. Being a contributing member of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH), International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL), Association of SP Educators (ASPE), and a local consortium of simulation users — Healthcare Simulation Collaborative (HSC) — uniquely positions Carolinas Simulation Center to meet the needs of a wide range of user groups.

The Simulation Center provides healthcare professionals the opportunity to use a variety of simulation modalities to practice procedures and clinical patient care situations in a safe-learning environment. One of the program's priorities is conducting research for continuous improvement of simulation educational methods.

Facilitators can provide structured, risk-free, immersive educational experiences for a variety of multidisciplinary learner groups, spanning pre-licensure to ongoing continued competency. This includes medical and surgical residents, medical students, nursing students, nurses, nurse anesthesia students, AHEC nurse refresher participants and practicing healthcare professionals from a variety of disciplines. Primary focus areas include creating simulation curriculum for interprofessional education, systems testing and strategic system priorities that impact patient safety and quality of care.

Using our state-of-the-art simulation equipment, healthcare professionals can learn proper techniques and improve decision-making skills in an interactive environment. Through repetitive practice, learners are better prepared to safely care for patients.

Learn more

To inquire about the Carolinas Simulation Center or schedule a session, contact us by email or telephone at 704-355-0956. If you are interested in scheduling a session or integrating simulation into your program, please fill out our new user group request form.

If your students or organization are interested in learning about healthcare careers and how simulation helps train the next generation of healthcare professionals, please fill out our community outreach request form.

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