
CentraLineManTM manufactured by Simulab Corporation, is a simulator that allows training in central venous access. It offers a high level of realism in the look and feel of the simulated tissue. In addition, the torso has anatomically correct landmarks which allow users to practice a wide range of subclavian and internal jugular techniques. The simulator also differentiates the arterial and venous blood to show a positive or negative response. During the simulated procedure, the user will experience natural resistance, natural flashback of blood, and CentraLineManTM has self-sealing veins and skin for multiple practices.
Among the primary features are:
- Realistic simulated tissue.
- Two colors of blood to show positive/negative response.
- Replaceable tissues for multiple uses.
- Refillable veins and arteries.
- Water-based, washable blood.
- Natural resistance.
- Realistic flashback of blood,
- Self-sealing veins and skin.
- Arterial hand pump that creates arterial pulse.
- Pulse can be palpated or identified with ultrasound.
- Vessel length allowing for full catheterization.
- Adjustable venous pressure.
Central Venous Access Head, Neck & Upper Torso Ultrasound Training Model
The Central Venous Access Head, Neck & Upper Torso Ultrasound Training Model manufactured by Blue Phantom, allows users to develop and practice the psychomotor skills necessary to gain proficiency in using ultrasound to guide catheter insertions in the internal jugular vein (IJ), subclavian vein, and axillary vein.
Among the Blue Phantom's features are:
- Ultrasound imaging characteristics
- Self healing tissue is realistic in ultrasound imaging characteristics and feels like real human tissue
- Contains anatomically correct vascular anatomy of the right upper thorax and neck including the internal jugular vein, brachiocephalic vein, subclavian vein, axillary vein, carotid artery, subclavian artery, and axillary artery, as well as anatomical landmarks including the clavicle, the two heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, and the sternal notch
- Allows learners to utilizes traditional anatomical landmarks for blind insertion techniques, or utilize ultrasound to obtain images of anatomical structures
- Accommodates full threading of guidewires and catheters
- Hand pump to simulate arterial pulse
- Points of access include IJ, subclavian, infraclavicular and supraclavicular approach as well as access via the axillary vessel
- User adjusted venous blood volume for variable pulmonary artery pressures simulation
- Positive fluid flow in the vessels provides users with immediate feedback when vessels are accessed
- Simulated blood fluids in the arterial vessels differ from the venous system allowing for users to easily verify successful venous access procedures
- Tissues match the acoustic characteristics of real human tissue so that ultrasound images are the same quality you expect from imaging patients in a clinical environment

FemoraLineManTM manufactured by Simulab Corporation, is a venous access trainer for femoral line placement and full catheterization. This femoral line access simulator utilizes the same highly acclaimed tissue properties as CentraLineMan and is also ultrasound compatible.