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Hoelscher, G.L., Morton, D.S., Sanderson, B.N., Noble, J.F., Bullard, M.J., Swiderski, D. (2022). Virtual Healthcare Simulation: Implementation, Distractions, and Preferences. Simulation in healthcare: journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. Published online version, Mar 23.

Fasano, H. T., McCarter, M., Simonis, J. M., Hoelscher, G. L., & Bullard, M. J. (2021). Influence of Socioeconomic Bias on Emergency Medicine Resident Decision Making and Patient Care. Simulation in healthcare: journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, 16(2), 85–91.

Myers, E. M., Anderson-Montoya, B. L., Fasano, H. T., Vilasagar, S., & Tarr, M. E. (2019). Robotic Sacrocolpopexy Simulation Model and Associated Hierarchical Task Analysis. Obstetrics and gynecology, 133(5), 905–909.

Anton, N. E., Mulji, N., Howley, L. D., Yurco, A. M., Tobben, D., Bean, E., & Stefanidis, D. (2017). Effects of a novel mental skills curriculum on surgical novices' attention. The Journal of surgical research, 219, 86–91.

Stefanidis, D., Anton, N. E., Howley, L. D., Bean, E., Yurco, A., Pimentel, M. E., & Davis, C. K. (2017). Effectiveness of a comprehensive mental skills curriculum in enhancing surgical performance: Results of a randomized controlled trial. American journal of surgery, 213(2), 318–324.

Anderson-Montoya, B. L., Scerbo, M. W., Ramirez, D. E., & Hubbard, T. W. (2017). Running Memory for Clinical Handoffs: A Look at Active and Passive Processing. Human factors, 59(3), 393–406.

Stefanidis, D., Chintalapudi, N., Anderson-Montoya, B., Oommen, B., Tobben, D., & Pimentel, M. (2017). How often do surgeons obtain the critical view of safety during laparoscopic cholecystectomy?. Surgical endoscopy, 31(1), 142–146.

Stefanidis, D., Anton, N. E., McRary, G., Howley, L. D., Pimentel, M., Davis, C., Yurco, A. M., Sevdalis, N., & Brown, C. (2017). Implementation results of a novel comprehensive mental skills curriculum during simulator training. American journal of surgery, 213(2), 353–361.

Stefanidis, D., Anderson-Montoya, B., Higgins, R. V., Pimentel, M. E., Rowland, P., Scarborough, M. O., & Higgins, D. (2016). Developing a coaching mechanism for practicing surgeons. Surgery, 160(3), 536–545.

Kennedy, R. A., Scerbo, M. W., Anderson-Montoya, B. L., Belfore, L. A., 2nd, Abuhamad, A. Z., & Davis, S. S. (2016). The Influence of a Crosshair Visual Aid on Observer Detection of Simulated Fetal Heart Rate Signals. AJP reports, 6(1), e115–e120.

Anton, N. E., Howley, L. D., Pimentel, M., Davis, C. K., Brown, C., & Stefanidis, D. (2016). Effectiveness of a mental skills curriculum to reduce novices' stress. The Journal of surgical research, 206(1), 199–205.


The Research Team has collaborated with healthcare professionals for panel discussions, workshops, oral papers and posters at several conferences including: the International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Association for Surgical Education Annual Meeting, Annual Academic Surgical Congress, and the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) among others.
