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The Center for Faculty Excellence offers On-Demand Offerings for those in need of planning and offering faculty development in areas of teaching, research and leadership (viz., Department Chairs and Program Directors). Much like a speakers bureau, we offer a menu of topics and recruit qualified experts from within and outside of Atrium Health to facilitate offerings. Open (interdisciplinary) offerings are strongly encouraged.

To obtain an on-demand offering, please complete and submit the form below. We will respond within 24 hours of receiving your request.

Guidelines for requesting an on-demand offering

Lead time: Please provide ample lead  time for us to process your request and secure a suitable facilitator/s. Advance notice is much appreciated. Please allow three (3) weeks prior to your desired offering date.

Anticipated size of participant group and their role/s: It is important that we understand the participants and their needs. Having this information in advance of the engagement helps us prepare appropriately. 

Topics: Please tell us what topic you would like the facilitator to address. The more specific you can be, the better we will be able to meet your needs.

Location: The specific venue location is determined by the individual making the request. The CFE is not able to provide event planning services. For assistance in this area, feel free to contact our partner, AHEC.
