Each fellow will work closely with the sports medicine faculty of the Department of Family Medicine at Atrium Health as well as nationally-recognized orthopedic physicians.
The orthopedic clinics, primary care sports medicine clinics, primary care clinic at Elizabeth Family Medicine and the training rooms of UNC Charlotte and Johnson C. Smith University will provide substantial hands-on experience for the fellow. Teaching is often one-on-one and provides an opportunity to learn various physical exam techniques, and procedures.
There is also allotted time for research and opportunities for the fellow to pursue his or her own interest in sports medicine.
Fellows will alternate work schedules monthly and will alternate game coverage each month between Division I and Division II sports. Each fellow will cover their own high school throughout their fellowship year.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | |
AM | Ortho Clinics | PSC; JC Smith TR | Specialty Clinics | SMC; Didactics | Research; Reading/Surgery; Specialty Clinics | Seasonal Event Coverage | |
PM | UNCC Training Room | Specialty Clinics | Ortho Clinics or SMC | Ultrasound Didactic; UNCC-SHC; UNCC-TR | Ultrasound Procedures SMC; HS Football (Fall) | Seasonal Event Coverage |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | |
AM | Ortho Clinics | SMC | PSC | Specialty/Surgery | Reading/Research | Seasonal Event Coverage | |
PM | SMC | SMC | Ortho | Ortho | Ortho; HS Football (Fall) | Seasonal Event Coverage |
PSC: Primary Specialty Clinic
JC Smith TR: Johnson C. Smith University Training Room
Ortho Clinics: Rotates between 3 Sports Medicine orthopedists
Seasonal Event Coverage: Depending on the season, some weekends will include coverage of college games
SMC: Primary Care Sports Medicine Clinic at Musculoskeletal Institute Sports Medicine with SM Faculty
SHC: Student Health Center
Specialty Clinics: Orthopedic Specialists (hand and wrist/foot and ankle/spine/hip/peds)
UNCC: University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Special Sessions: Physical Therapy, Dentistry, Sports Nutrition, Performance and Exercise Physiology, Sports Cardiology, Sports Nutrition, Radiology and MSK Oncology.