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Fellowships and Private Practice:

Atrium Health's Obstetrics and Gynecology residency program prepares physicians to leave residency as competent and confident obstetrician/gynecologists. Our residents are fully prepared to embark on their chosen career path, ranging from competitive fellowship training programs to academic medicine, from private practice to hospitalist roles, and even rural community practice. After four years of residency, our graduates have been exposed to a wide range of pathology, extensive surgical training, and they have a strong foundation to being work in their ideal career.

Our strong academic foundation with extensive opportunities for research allows residents the ability to prepare for the fellowship application process if they choose. Residents receive close mentorship as well as financial support to travel and present research at national conferences. Our curriculum boasts early and extensive exposure to the subspecialties, while dedicated elective time allows flexibility during the 3rd & 4th years to gain more experience in a chosen subspecialty if desired. Our residents have historically had outstanding matches in their chosen fields for Fellowship, and we are so proud of them!

In addition to substantial subspecialty education, our comprehensive surgical experience paired with high volume obstetrics and complex gynecology prepare our graduates to practice independently in multiple career tracts. Our graduates excel in Academic Medicine positions and are extremely successful in a variety of community and private practice positions. Our goal is to train exceptional OB/GYN physicians who leave residency fully equipped to take excellent care of their patients in the clinic, hospital, and OR.
